Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Things that Make You Go "Hmmm"

Call it a curious mind, call being cynical, but sometimes I run across things that seem to defy logic, (my logic, anyway) and I can't help but to mentally scratch my head and go "hmmmm".

One such incident occurs in the picture I took below.  Take a close look at it and see if you can figure out why I would label it "Things that make you go 'hmmm'

It's a sandal, right? what is wrong with this picture?  (Besides wearing socks with sandals, but in this case it is ok because they are riding sandals)  Give up??  Scroll down and take a closer look.
Waterproof sandals!!!!  Why?  Things that make you go hmmmmm.

I saw this sign at a grill where we stopped for lunch.....
Really?  Parents have to be told not to drink and drive with their children???   Things that make you go 'hmmm'

Minnesota truly promotes wild life and has bird houses on every fence post a long the Nature Rd.  Take a look at this bird house.....specifically, look at the post
The post was all burned did that happen?  Things that make you go 'hmmm'.

This is the back of the SAG wagon...BoPeep, we call her because she gathers up all the 'lost sheep'.  Look at all the food in there.

There was more on the hood.  How am I ever going to lose weight on this trip?  Things that make you go 'hmmm'.

This sign just made me laugh......
The restaurant posted all the returned checks here......things that make you go 'bahahahaha'.

Got any good things that make you go 'hmmmm'?  Leave'em in the comment area so we can all ponder the irony.....


  1. Hey mom! The post looks like that probably because of a fast moving grass-fire.

  2. so, i wonder where the kids are when the parent(s) are consuming their 2 drink limit? in the bar?, waiting outside in the car alone? or locked in the closet at home? hopefully with grandma who is sober, but this former cp social worker doesn't want to know.

  3. Sue I love your photos and your prospective. I´ll be checking your BLOG everyday. Stay safe and enjoy the moment.

  4. Maybe the parents are drinking so much because of their kids! Things that make you go 'hmmmmmmmm'!

    Your Secret Friend

  5. Things that make you go "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm"

    Why are crayons the same length and diameter size as cigarettes?
